Why GROW Groups?

Living things grow. It is a simple fact, but still a profound way to understand how Christ works in us. Jesus leads us to grow in our faith as He forms us into who He created us to be and helps us to know His love more fully. This begins when we know Him in a real, personal relationship, but it continues throughout our lives.

Jesus also gave us the perfect place to grow as we join in community with others in the church. When we come together to study the Bible and learn to apply Its truths to our lives, God works in us in new and dynamic ways. He will help us to live out the truth of His Word

We seek to provide opportunities for people of all ages to connect with others and go deeper in relationships while also going deeper into the truth of God's Word. We want to see people growing stronger in their faith, their love for the Lord, and their love for others. We want to go further with the Gospel and impact the world for our Lord.

9:00 AM

These groups meet from 9:00-10:15 a.m. giving you plenty of time to find your place in our 10:30 Worship Service.

  • College & Young Adults -

    Eric Risner & Michael Conner

    Whether you are Single, Married, in College, or starting a career, we want to connect Young Adults in our church and community. Come check it out!
    (Room D111)

  • Life365 - Brad Rawlings

    Life365 is all about young families doing life together. Whether you are newlywed, a single parent, or parents with young kids, this group is a great place to connect with others in a similar place. Join in this year as they continue their study of The Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount(Room D101)

  • Journeys (All Adults) - Billy Griffin

    Any adult will benefit from the strong teaching and fellowship found in the Journeys group. Whatever your life stage or marital status, come ready to jump into the Word of God and learn with others. (Room D102)

  • Mosaic (40's & 50's) - Kevin Wetmore

    Mosaic classes are a welcome place for adults in many life stages. Whether married or single, you will find much in common here. Now doing Francis Chan’s study of Job. (Room D103)

  • Rock-n-Rollers (50's, 60's, & More) - Bob Harvell

    This group enjoys times of fellowship and study beyond the Sunday morning hour. They use the Bible Studies for Life curriculum and other selected materials throughout the year. (Room D112)

  • Good Neighbors (Senior Adults) - Canas Blackston

    With a strong caring network, the Good Neighbors work together to lift each other up. They use the Bible Studies for Life curriculum to study through Biblical themes and sections of the Scripture together(Room D109)

  • Friendship Ladies Class - June Cato & Carolyn Hawkins

    The Ladies of the Friendship Class love and care for each other on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Using the Explore the Bible curriculum, they enjoy taking an in-depth look at the Bible one book at a time. (Room E109)

10:30 AM

Come to our 9:00 Worship Service and then stick around for one of these groups  in our Second Hour.

  • Soul Care - Cale & Christine Pruitt

    Are you overwhelmed by the noise, busyness, and pace of your life? Join in with this six-part series on Soul Care and learn to tend to the garden of your inner life. Discover what it means to apprentice under the Master, Jesus — not just by believing His teachings, but by living the way He lived. (Room D109)

  • Flourish (Ladies) - Kelli Webber

    In Flourish, ladies are encouraged to understand themselves and their world through the lens of Scripture and to live out their faith. (Room D110)

  • Mosaic (50's & 60's+) - Jerry McNair & Jeff Gibbs

    This group enjoys working through books and themes of the Bible to discover the truth of God's Word. Come ready to think and to be challenged. They are currently nearing the end of an extensive study of Isaiah. (Room D102)

Not seeing the right group for you?
Do you have questions about how to get started?
Contact Us Today.